5 Top Tips for business coaches

5 Top Tips for business coaches

5 Top Tips for business coaches

Posted 10th October 2023

1. Meet away from client offices

Business owner managers are heavily invested in their businesses. You and they meet to acknowledge that. To get the most from a coaching session, you need full engagement and concentration so if only for an hour go away from their offices and invest that time in working on and not in their business.

2. Be your true self

It is impossible to fake credibility in a coaching session. If you are having a bad day, say so and work through it. If you like or don’t like something, say so and own it. A healthy discussion on disagreements will lead to long term relationships. Fact.

3. Know your limits… and call them out

Nobody is an expert in everything. Know your strengths. And know your weaknesses. And own them. Play to your strengths and work on your weaknesses. But don’t try and deliver on both… it is impossible.

4. Stay current and connected

Sector focus is great, but sector awareness then becomes crucial. Attend conferences, so online courses, and identify then meet with industry and sector experts. So when your knowledge falls short of what is needed, you will know who to call to ask for help.

5. Keep to the learning triangle

Plan. Then Do. Then Review. And repeat. Simple.

For more on this, please contact us!

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